
Return Policy

Order Help

Before sending any item(s), you must contact customer support to get prior authorization before returning any item, regardless of reason, to request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). Red Line Superstore cannot accept returned merchandise without an RMA. The RMA number should be written on the shipping label or visible on the shipping box.

Defective Graphic Kits

Red Line Superstore will replace any product that is defective or was shipped in error at no cost to the customer. Return shipping costs and other incidental feeds are the sole responsibility of the customer unless the item was defective or shipped in error. Exchanges for defective graphics or orders shipped in error must be requested within 10 days of receipt.

Non-defective Graphic Kits

Graphic Kits are custom made-to-order and any return requests for non-defective graphic kits must be made within 30 days of receipt. Graphics must be in original packaging and will be subject to a 30% restocking fee.


Returns and exchanges must be in new condition and include original product packaging. Do not use the manufacturer's product box as the shipping container. For each item returned for refund instead of exchange, a restocking fee of up to 30% may be assessed.

The Manufacturer's packaging must be clear of writings or markings.

Return Shipping Methods

Return all items via ground shipping. Please note that third-party shippers, such as UPS Store, FedEx Kinko's, Mailbox Ect., and similar companies, may add charges to normal ground shipping costs. Red Line Superstore does not reimburse these charges. Do not return any items COD; our returns department cannot accept COD returns.

Closeouts / Sale Items

All closeouts,clearance merchandise, and items on sale are final and cannot be refunded. Exchanges for manufacturer's defects are acceptable.


Customer is responsible for all back and forth shipping and brokerage charges for returns or exchanges.

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